Our story
We are a physiotherapy center located in A Valenzá, specializing in musculoskeletal and sports pathology, as well as invasive techniques, manual physiotherapy and therapeutic exercise.
We Physiotherapy is born from shaping a life project, a space designed to promote health and the values that characterize us as a company: empathy, responsibility and will.
Empathy: ability to put ourselves in the shoes of others and understand what surrounds us.
Responsibility: linked to commitment and honesty, we are responsible for our actions and therefore also for our health.
Will: wanting is power, so it is the last link needed to trigger change.
O noso traballo
Poñemos a disposición da túa saúde a experiencia adquirida en traballo de clínica, así como o traballo de campo no mundo do deporte profesional xunto cos coñecementos dunha formación constante e actualizada ca mellor evidencia científica dispoñible.